Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Synthetic Classical

My knowledge and appreciation of classical music is pretty pathetic, especially given that I am a “classically trained” piano player. I like listening to classical music that is either off the beaten path (as much 20th century and contemporary classical music is) or that is interpreted in an unconventional way. My favorite examples of this are the pieces on this album of classical music performed on an early Moog synthesizer. For some reason, my parents (not great music collectors) had this LP when I was growing up and I really fell in love with these pieces, as well as the sounds used on this album (especially the version of Lecuona's Malaguenya, which makes my spine tingle every time I listen to it). I had looked for this on CD for a long time, to no avail. It turns out that this music has never been marketed on CD and has been out of print for a long time. Luckily an aficionado digitized a reel to reel tape of this album and made it available for free on the web (click link above). This is a great example of what should happen with all music that is long out of print.

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