Tuesday, April 22, 2008


amazon.com informs me that products labeled suxxors are also labelled:

abominable (1), adoption (1), ambulance chase (1), ambulance chaser (1), an act of mcarthurism (1), and shutup jack (1), anti religous (1), arsewipe (1), attack mouse (1), attention monger (1), authors who did not win peabody award (1), bad (1), bad authors (1), bad parenting guide (1), bad person (1), bad read (1), bad writing (1), bastard (1), biased (1), biased lies lies propoganda (1), bigot (1), bill oreilly (1), blatant lies (1), blind (1), books that should be burned (1), boring (1), brianboitano (1), bs (1), bugger (1), bugger off (1), bullocks (1), bullpoo (1), burns well (1), calumny (1), censor (1), chicanery (1), childish (1), childish name calling (1), closed minded (1), clueless (1), concerned parent (1), coprolagnia (1), coward (1), crazed and libelous screed (1), cruel (1), crybaby (1), debar (1), debarred (1), deceit (1), defamation (1), diarrhea (1), disbar (1), disbarred (1), divisive (1), doubt (1), draw and quarter (1), dumb (1), ego rant (1), egoistic (1), egomaniac (1), egotistical maniac (1), even more blatant lies (1), evil (1), examples for youthanasia (1), expensive firewood (1), falsified information (1), fear (1), fearmonger (1), ferret cage liner (1), firewood (1), fool (1), foolish (1), fraud (1), freemason (1), fud (1),... and 3 more pages of descriptors.

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