Friday, January 4, 2008

Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega

Suzanne Vega, in addition to having one of the best names of any singer songwriter, has made some amazing and varied music over the years, from folk to pop to rock. One of the most interesting things she made, and one of her biggest hits, was "Tom's Diner", an a capella slice of melancholy urban life. I couldn't find a Youtube video of the original studio cut of this song, but here is a very interesting performance that she did on Second Life (a place I find not a little creepy, but that is a topic for another day).

Of course, the most played and familiar version of this song, which places the original song atop a very nice house rhythm track, was the version by DNA, which was eventually released in cooperation with SV.

Finally, an extremely delightful parody of both the song and the classic TV show I Dream of Jeannie, was done by Marilyn E Whitelaw & Mark Davis (one of a number of remakes that were compiled on an album called Tom's Album):

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