Friday, February 29, 2008

Getting through winter

Yesterday (and today) was very frigid. I grew up in Western NY and lived for a while in Madison, WI. Winters seemed interminable in these places. (They are a little better here on the island.) I've recently been listening to tapes of various bands I've been in. My therapy during winters was to write songs and poems about them. It helped to take some of the power of the cold and dark away. Here are the lyrics of one such song, called "Lithotripper" (named after a service called "Lithotripter" provided by a local hospital; we never found out what this was, actually).

I taste you like nothing
Hundredth hour of the same old dream
Nothing feels like yesterday
Hundred dollars thrown away

Dark snowflakes
Make snowbanks
Ice recedes
And we bleed
This freezing
So easy
Spring will bring
Some different thing

Drank this beer like waterfalls
Dark and lonely Saturdays
Brilliant incoherent stories
One more writer blown away


Winter just means rotting
Feed the mushrooms sending spores
Fossils smile in stones somewhere
Stones corrode on distant shores

I see you in stairways
Finally you grace my door
Finally we share the sunrise
Finally the wind is warm

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