Thursday, March 6, 2008


This article in today's NY Times points out that MSG not only has gotten a bad rap over the years (no medical evidence indicating that it is harmful to health in normal concentrations) but also that it has creeped into our food both at restaurants and in many processed foods under different names. I grew up eating Campbell's soups, which are delicious and have (probably lots of) MSG. Also, all kinds of chip snacks have it, including Doritos, which have one of the most addictive tastes in the universe. So I guess the bottom line is, don't worry about MSG: it makes food taste really good and it's not bad for us.

Unless of course you are talking about The Notorious MSG, who are dangerously funny:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice segue from food additive to cutting-edge music. The Notorious MSG rock!