Sunday, November 24, 2013

Black coffee

I didn't really start drinking coffee until college.  At that time I couldn't drink it without cream and sugar.  I gave up sugar as part of a sort of unstated new years resolution about 10 years ago.  In the last year I started drinking it black. Now I prefer it that way (although Dunkin Donuts coffee with cream is still excellent).  Don't have to worry about keeping creamier around (which spoils quickly) or non dairy creamer (which is not food) or leaving space for cream at Starbucks (was always a pain). I always wondered why people liked it black.  This co-occurred with me starting to drink a lot of tea, which is now a daily habit.  I think the thing that did it was that tea has such a weak flavor, anything with strong flavor is a nice contrast to tea.  I like both.

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